reflection _ 2017

Hi friends - Happy 2018!

The biggest thing I learned in 2017 was patience. And by patience, I mean it took me twelve months to see the slow progress I was making - BUT IT WAS PROGRESS. I didn't explore all the facets of the fiber world that I wanted to, I didn't accomplish all the tasks I was aiming so high for and I surely didn't put myself out there enough. But by January 1st, I was okay with all of it. You're probably like "well, yeah? that's only normal". But it became one self-criticism after another this past year. On August 1st I would look at my July work plan and would feel disappointed by how far behind I had felt. This continued month after month - never patting myself on the back for balancing this craft with a full-time architectural designer role (including gaining licensure), exploring my beautiful city on the weekends, or finding time to tell myself it's okay to open a novel. I had been feeling like the boxes I hadn't checked off were defining me and my work. Through these twelve months, I was able evaluate my priorities and understand where I found myself spending the most time - and not only the most time, but the most time and being HAPPY about it. 

I look back on 2017 with delight and a feel-good sensation of knowing all along I was building my creative story like I had wanted, it just took patience. From one maker to the next: open your eyes, trust the process, and believe the work you're doing day-in and day-out is getting you one step closer to the place you want to be. And if you feel otherwise - reach out and talk to others. Everyone wanting success as bad as you is feeling like you are now. 

2017 was amazing. For those who let me weave for them - thank you! Thank you for supporting my craft, my exploration, and my happiness. And for those following my journey through this crazy life of fiber weaving, experimentation, and making - YOU are patient and you are the best. I hope my journey in 2018 will be even more insightful, empowering, and creative for you.


A reflection - 

- h o u s e \\ w e a v i n g became an official business in January (whoop - where my small business owners at?!)

- Houzz brought me on as a handmade seller through their platform

- I spent a day in White Salmon, WA (overlooking Mt St Helens) for an indigo & shibori workshop through Wildcraft Studio, where I was introduced to a traditional method of fiber and textile dyeing and creation

- I taught a Mother's Day weaving class to a very close friend and her mother!

- I was part of Portland's Pearl District West Elm Maker's Pop-Up

- I began hand-dyeing some of my favorite yarn, and most of which I used in weavings I produced this year

- I created my first (very) large-scale tapestry and found myself out growing my wonderful handmade loom I had commissioned for me

- Went on a beautiful 7-day road trip through the southwestern US. This trip inspired me beyond belief. A 2018 collection is in the works featuring some of these destinations...

- Wrapped up my Woven Paint Collection in the fall (blog post coming soon!). This collection represents my first real "capture" of so much inspiration I've gotten from the painters in this world.

- Dabbled in making fiber jewelry - something I've always wanted to do. I may bring back some of my prototypes for purchase in 2018...

- Connected with other fiber artists and creatives and got to see them grow and take on new endeavors - hi Soft Century.

- I participated in FibreShare - something I recommend for EVERYONE interested in fiber arts. Find your community!

- Created a numerous amount of beautiful custom pieces for homes around the world.


I leaned into the community and those around me this year. I learned to trust the process more, sketch more, and believe more. What an amazing year!